Friday, January 28, 2011

cereal box prizes!

Remember pouring out your cereal and out dumped a plastic prize on top? Or your sister stuffed her hand inside the box until she got the prize first?   Those days are long gone. My kids have no idea how much fun it was to get stuff out of a cereal box.   We should have taken better care of those prizes - think of how many moms threw them in the garbage!  Now, some of them are worth a lot of $$$!
I had no idea, but this little guy is called "monster in my pocket". He was only found in Shreddies Cereal boxes in the 80s or 90s, which were only sold in Canada.  
Don't hate me, but I picked up a whole bag of these rare monsters at a garage sale, not knowing what they were. I paid maybe 25 cents for the whole bag, and this one little guy sold for $140.!!!
Now, if I could just go back in time and stop my mom from throwing out all those cereal toys!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

giant tinkertoy!

Giant Tinkertoy! This stuff is HUGE! Made in the 60s. I played with this in Kindergarten and it was always the favorite toy. Found it at a garage sale last year. They wanted $20, but sold it to me for $10. Took it home and my kids played with it for awhile in the back yard, and then SOLD it on ebay for $85.  The buyer was very happy, even though the shipping  cost was astronomical!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

1960s WIZZZER toy find

Found this at the coolest estate sale ever. Tons of boxes full of old stuff. I think I paid $1.00 for this - its an unopened box with a pair of toy tops. Got some other cool stuff there too.   Sold this on ebay to a happy buyer for $85.00.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

70s GI Joe Find

Found this old guy in a thrift store. He was $8.  Looked like nobody every played with him before. Sold on ebay for $170.  Didn't have a clue it would go that high!